I have had problems with Ethereum Wallet for a couple weeks. It started after not synching for a while due to travelling. When I got back online, it needed to sync a lot and it got really slow. After a few days I kept getting errors that it couldn't connect without anything more in the logs. I read somewhere that I had to remove the chaindata and let it sync from scratch. Have done that, but after syncing to near completion, I still couldn't see the content of my wallet (confirmed that it holds coins on etherchain.org) and it slowed down. When I restarted the wallet I got the following error:
Unable to connect. Please start geth with the following options:
geth --rpc --rpccorsdomain "file://"
Optional add: --unlock .
* I have no idea how this would be done. CLI? from where?
I'm using Windows 10/Ethereum Wallet 0.8.10 and have had no significant problems before (besides the ones that disappear upon a restart).
This is all very frustrating. I have a significant amount of money in my wallet and even though I plan to keep it that way the idea that my money is inaccessible is not fun. How can I fix this? I'm completely stumped as to what I can do more. Are there any other offline wallets I could move to and how (since I'm pretty much locked out of the Ethereum Wallet software)? Thanks for your suggestions and time in advance.