When I tried to run my Ethereum Mist wallet yesterday I ran into two problems:
1.) When starting up version 0.8.7 I got a popup that said:
*"Couldn't connect to node? See the logs for more:*
*Node type: geth*
*Network: main*
*Platform: win32 (Architecure x64)*
*...flag provided but not defined: -support-dao-fork"*
And an error on the main screen saying:
*"Ethereum node connection error :'(*
*Checking network..."*
This problem wasn't there two days ago.
2.) So I tried installing 0.8.8 but I'm not sure what to do.
Is it enough to simply copy ethereum wallet.exe from the 'win-unpacked' folder and delete the rest of the files or do these files serve a new/update function as well? Last couple of releases were simply .exe files that I installed, after which I simply deleted the prior ethereum-wallet.exe file.
Don't want two versions running next to eachother and a computer with Ethereum files all over the place. With the basic .exe files that were offered before you didn't have to choose a location for installation or anything. So there's nothing in the 'program files' folder, only in the 'local' and 'roaming' folders under 'app data'.
Thanks in advance.