Task: Create an event ProposalCreated which takes a single argument: a uint proposal ID. Emit this event whenever a new Proposal struct is created. Create an event VoteCast which takes two arguments: a uint proposal ID and an address for the voter's address. Emit this event any time a new vote is cast. enter image description here

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

contract Voting {
    struct Proposal {
        address target;
        bytes data;
        uint yesCount;
        uint noCount;
        mapping(address => bool) hasVoted; // Track if an address has voted on this proposal
        mapping(address => bool) voteChoice; // Track the vote (true = yes, false = no) of each voter

    // Events
    event ProposalCreated(uint256 indexed proposalId); // Event to be emitted when a proposal is created
    event VoteCast(uint256 indexed proposalId, address indexed voteCaster); // Event to be emitted when a vote is cast

    Proposal[] public proposals;

    // Function to create a new proposal
    function newProposal(address target, bytes memory data) external {
        require(target != address(0), "Target address cannot be zero"); // Ensure target is valid

        Proposal storage proposal = proposals.push(); // Add a new proposal to the array
        proposal.target = target;
        proposal.data = data;

        uint proposalId = proposals.length - 1; // Get the ID of the new proposal

        emit ProposalCreated(proposalId); // Emit the ProposalCreated event with the proposal ID

    // Function to cast or change a vote on a proposal
    function castVote(uint proposalId, bool support) external {
        require(proposalId < proposals.length, "Invalid proposal ID");

        Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];

        // Check if the voter has already voted
        if (proposal.hasVoted[msg.sender]) {
            // If the voter wants to change their vote, update counts accordingly
            bool previousVote = proposal.voteChoice[msg.sender];
            if (previousVote && !support) {
                proposal.yesCount -= 1;
                proposal.noCount += 1;
            } else if (!previousVote && support) {
                proposal.noCount -= 1;
                proposal.yesCount += 1;
        } else {
            // If the voter hasn't voted before, add their vote
            proposal.hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;
            if (support) {
                proposal.yesCount += 1;
            } else {
                proposal.noCount += 1;

        // Store the voter's choice (true = yes, false = no)
        proposal.voteChoice[msg.sender] = support;

        emit VoteCast(proposalId, msg.sender); // Emit the VoteCast event with the proposal ID and the voter's address

1 Answer 1


Edit: Here you can find a more in depth explaination of your voting process, below find some info how to approach and structure youre contract.

  • Move the hasVoted and voteChoice mappings outside the Proposal struct to track votes more effectively
  • Then you can update newProposal function to create a new proposal using Proposal memory
  • Then you can build the castVote function to use the external mappings for tracking votes

brief overview

Define your propsal struct. Create your events, one when a new proposal is created, one for vote cast. Then we create an array where we store all the proposals. With the mappings, we track whether an address has voted & their vote choice. Then we create 3 functions: to create a new proposal, to cast a vote, to get all votes.

example code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;

contract Voting {

    // 1. DEFINE STRUCT PROPOSAL --------------------------------

    struct Proposal {
        address target; 
        bytes data;
        uint256 yesCount;
        uint256 noCount;

    // 2. CREATE YOUR EVENTS ------------------------------------

    event ProposalCreated(uint256 indexed proposalId);
    event VoteCast(uint256 indexed proposalId, address indexed voter, bool support);

    // 3. CREATE AN ARRAY OF PROPOSALS --------------------------

    Proposal[] public proposals;

    // 4. CREATE MAPPINGS ---------------------------------------

    mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => bool)) public hasVoted;
    mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => bool)) public voteChoice; 

    // 5. FUNCTION FOR NEW PROPOSAL -----------------------------

    function newProposal(address target, bytes memory data) external {       
        // make sure target is valid
        require(target != address(0), "Target address cannot be zero");

        Proposal memory proposal = Proposal({
            target: target,
            data: data,
            yesCount: 0,
            noCount: 0
        // add new proposal to Proposal array
        // get id of new proposal
        uint256 proposalId = proposals.length - 1;

        // emit event
        emit ProposalCreated(proposalId);

    // 6. FUNCTION TO CAST VOTE ON PROPOSAL ---------------------

    function castVote(uint256 proposalId, bool support) external {
     // nnsure valid proposal id      
        require(proposalId < proposals.length, "Invalid proposal ID"); 

        // Ensure user has not voted yet
        require(!hasVoted[proposalId][msg.sender], "You have already voted on this proposal"); 
        // Update the vote counts
        if (support) {
            proposals[proposalId].yesCount += 1;
        } else {
            proposals[proposalId].noCount += 1;

        // Mark user has voted & store their choice
        hasVoted[proposalId][msg.sender] = true;
        voteChoice[proposalId][msg.sender] = support;

        // emit event
        emit VoteCast(proposalId, msg.sender, support);

    // 7. FUNCTION TO GET VOTES ON PROPOSAL ---------------------

    function getProposalVotes(uint256 proposalId) external view returns (uint256 yesVotes, uint256 noVotes) {
        // ensure valid proposal id
        require(proposalId < proposals.length, "Invalid proposal ID"); 
        // get proposal
        Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
        // return vote counts
        return (proposal.yesCount, proposal.noCount);
  • I followed your corrections but I still got the same error testProposal() EvmError: Revert testVote() Test Passed Commented Oct 22 at 0:58
  • @EddiePumpin you may check my updated answer.
    – timsntech
    Commented Oct 23 at 15:17

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