The hardhat plugin for deploying via safe doesn't work.

I read in an old answer to use performCreate of CreateCall.sol contract to smart contracts, so I'm using this script for creating a transaction to deploy a contract

  const createCallTransaction = await (
    await safeProvider.getCreateCallContract({ safeVersion: "1.4.1" })
  ).performCreate([0n, BYTECODE], {});
  console.log("Tx", createCallTransaction)

to which I get a result

Tx {
  hash: '0xb...e31',
  options: { gasLimit: '4389740' },
  transactionResponse: ContractTransactionResponse {
    provider: JsonRpcProvider {},
    blockNumber: null,
    blockHash: null,
    index: undefined,
    hash: '0xb...e31',
    type: 0,
    to: '0x9b35Af71d77eaf8d7e40252370304687390A1A52',
    from: '0x1...81D8',
    nonce: 99,
    gasLimit: 4389740n,
    gasPrice: 1000000000n,
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: null,
    maxFeePerGas: null,
    maxFeePerBlobGas: null,
    data: '0x4c8c...'
    value: 0n,
    chainId: 476462898n,
    signature: Signature { r: "0x2...", s: "0x18...", yParity: 0, networkV: 952925831 },
    accessList: null,
    blobVersionedHashes: null

This createCallTransaction is of type TransactionResult of safe-core-sdk. Now when I use it with apiKit.proposeTransaction() to send it for approval from other owners, it requires the transaction to be of type SafeTransactionData

await apiKit.proposeTransaction({
   safeAddress: "0xf...28",
   safeTransactionData: createCallTransaction.transactionResponse.data,
   safeTxHash: createCallTransaction.hash,
   senderAddress: "0x...D8",
   senderSignature: createCallTransaction.transactionResponse.signature,

How can I deploy contracts from my Safe (and perform other smart contract calls)

1 Answer 1


Great question.

You would have to use createTransaction from the Safe {Core} Protocol Kit to create a Safe Transaction.

Can you give it a try and come back here?

If it works, please mark your questions answered.

  • Thanks, I'm able to createTransactions with this and execute them too, but I'm not able to broadcast these transactions using apiKit, will create a new Issue for this. Commented Aug 30 at 9:27

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