I am bit confused by the value of "root" I get in transaction receipt
according to my understanding root is the value which points to previous block in block chian,
but when I try to track that block by the value of root it shows null or not found I have tried following two ways
debug.traceBlockByHash("hash(value of root)")
eth.getTransactionReceipt("hash(value of root)")
but cant track the root block
For reference:- my transaction receipt
blockHash: "0x38745b73aaca70ae40dd4f89e039dd4afb90cf606308701548200d8a757e69be",
blockNumber: 10897,
contractAddress: null,
cumulativeGasUsed: 73966,
from: "0xf0606aab9ed3f89a4167b43ce4eed4ff8f4cc195",
gasUsed: 32855,
logs: [],
logsBloom: "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
root: "0x25eba79d41fbe9d11c8a82a2b1629784e80e7c5322832f5386d13b5bd211c8e2",
to: "0x742c8105ba6cfd99ff20ffc19332a9782caecb8a",
transactionHash: "0xb3645970eecb8b2b1e00d2b2f4bff5bab90bbdcb36300ad44348a0e954073f22",
transactionIndex: 1
following are the outputs I received
> debug.traceBlockByHash("0x25eba79d41fbe9d11c8a82a2b1629784e80e7c5322832f5386d13b5bd211c8e2")
error: "block #25eba79d41fbe9d11c8a82a2b1629784e80e7c5322832f5386d13b5bd211c8e2 not found",
structLogs: null,
validated: false
> eth.getTransactionReceipt("0x25eba79d41fbe9d11c8a82a2b1629784e80e7c5322832f5386d13b5bd211c8e2")
one more confusing thing is the block number which I see in transaction receipt are not consecutive for consecutive transactions, ie. If my first transaction receipt has
Block Number: 10849
then the
next one is 10853
next is 10865
how this block number is generated??