I have this test suite written with Hardhat
it('Should reveal bid', async () => {
const { blindAuction, bidder3, bidData } = await loadFixture(
const values = bidData['bidder3'].values.map(parseEther);
const secrets = bidData['bidder3'].secrets.map(encodeBytes32String);
bidData['bidder3'].values.forEach(async (value, index) => {
const hashedBid = solidityPackedKeccak256(
['uint', 'bytes32'],
const deposit = generateRandomDeposit();
await expect(blindAuction.connect(bidder3).bid(hashedBid))
.to.emit(blindAuction, 'SuccessfulBid')
const TIME = 60 * 60 * 2;
await blindAuction.connect(bidder3).getBidsByBidder(bidder3.address)
await blindAuction.connect(bidder3).revealBids(values, secrets);
and here is how the solidity functions are defined.
function getBidsByBidder(
address bidder
) external view returns (Bid[] memory) {
return bids[bidder];
function bid(
bytes32 _hashedBid
) external payable biddingIsActive(block.timestamp) {
console.log("Deposit is %o", msg.value);
bids[msg.sender].push(Bid({blindBid: _hashedBid, deposit: msg.value}));
emit SuccessfulBid(msg.sender);
function revealBids(
uint[] calldata _values,
bytes32[] calldata _secrets
) external biddingHasEnded(block.timestamp) {
uint lengthOfBids = bids[msg.sender].length;
console.log("Length of bids is %o", lengthOfBids);
if (_values.length != lengthOfBids && _secrets.length != lengthOfBids) {
revert InCompleteBidData(msg.sender);
uint totalRefund = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < bids[msg.sender].length; i++) {
(uint value, bytes32 secret) = (_values[i], _secrets[i]);
Bid storage currentBid = bids[msg.sender][i];
console.log("Bid Deposit is %o", currentBid.deposit);
if (
currentBid.blindBid ==
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(value, secret))
) {
if (value <= highestBid || msg.sender == highestBidder) {
totalRefund += currentBid.deposit;
} else if (value > highestBid) {
if (highestBidder != address(0)) {
refunds[highestBidder] += highestBid;
highestBid = value;
highestBidder = msg.sender;
emit HighestBidIncreased(msg.sender);
} else {
refunds[msg.sender] += currentBid.deposit;
currentBid.blindBid = bytes32(0);
if (msg.sender != highestBidder) {
refunds[msg.sender] = totalRefund;
console.log("Total Refund is %o ", totalRefund);
These are the issues I am currently facing:
- For some reason, when I pass a value with the bid function, I get an error that I am passing incomplete bid data but when I don't pass a value, the function runs correctly.
- When I run the function to get the bids by a bidder inside the loop, I get a response but when I run it outside the loop, it doesn't work. I am not quite sure why this happens and yes, my mapping is defined as public.
- Is there a better way, I could have written my loop better?
I would appreciate any help towards this. Thanks.