I'm following a tutorial on how to create an ERC721 contract and I've ran into a problem. I can't see the image for an NFT I've minted on Opensea's testnet. none of the metadata will load after almost 24 hours and multiple refreshes.
The nft collection:
The nft's metadata: https://ipfs.filebase.io/ipfs/QmPR6z3JM8vtUe1PNRsUD6CtBbu3yTt1PaKjNhkG3LWduH/QmUvcr9d9XTgwTNYf9tBGcdpEcgGFdy5kCaqdVZEVmzKLL
Remix does show the the 0 token has been minted and that it has the accurate ipfs hash
The tutorial in question: