When I want to find router addresses like pancakeswap router (V2) or uniswap router, I can search them like pancakeswap router bscscan
in Google or track transactions in bscscan.com to find them. Do you know a simple and fast way to see all router addresses that is possible to track in the BSC or ETH network? (for example a page in coingecko.com)
3 Answers
Do you know a simple and fast way to see all router addresses that is possible to track in the BSC or ETH network?
You need collect this information from the documentation of each individual project.
It seems we can filter transactions by methods on this page https://etherscan.io/advanced-filter?. And we can search them by known methods like swapExactTokensForTokens
go to https://eigenphi.io
There you will find a lot of DeX-addresses together... ;)
While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. - From Review– MakaCommented May 28 at 9:05