Below is a snippet of code I am using to compute the hashed bytecode of a contract, however this doesn't seem to work. This hash is passed to the create function of the zkSync Era ContractDeployer.sol system contract?

const contractDeployerAddress = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000008006"
const contractDeployer = new ethers.Contract(contractDeployerAddress, abi.abi, signer);

const salt = ethers.constants.HashZero;
const bytecodeUint8Array = utils.hashBytecode(guardianStorageArtifact.deployedBytecode)
const bytecodeHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(bytecodeUint8Array)

const createCall = await contractDeployer.create(salt, bytecodeHash, "0x", {
gasLimit: 200000
const receipt = await createCall.wait();
console.log('Transaction confirmed in block:', receipt.blockNumber);
  • Instead of using deployedBytecode on the artifact have you tried using the bytecode field instead i.e. guardianStorageArtifact.bytecode? Also have you tried using the hardhat-zksync-deploy plugin which provides a simple interface for deploying contracts?
    – MShakeG
    Commented Sep 6, 2023 at 7:49

1 Answer 1


Try this :

const contractDeployerAddress = "your address";
const contractDeployer = new ethers.Contract(contractDeployerAddress, abi.abi, signer);

const bytecode = guardianStorageArtifact.deployedBytecode;

const bytecodeHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(bytecode);

console.log('Bytecode Hash:', bytecodeHash);

const salt = ethers.utils.randomBytes(32); 

const createCall = await contractDeployer.create(salt, bytecodeHash, "0x", {
  gasLimit: 200000

const receipt = await createCall.wait();
console.log('Transaction confirmed in block:', receipt.blockNumber);

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