pragma solidity 0.8.13;
contract trade{
constructor() { owner = msg. sender; }
address owner;
modifier onlyOwner {
require(msg.sender == owner);
/////required mappings
// map consumer address to consumer userID
mapping(address => uint32) public consumers;
//map producer address to producerID "is a registered producer"
mapping(address => uint) public producers;
//map address to energy balance of the users"
mapping(address => uint) public userEnergyBal;
//////consumer regster part
modifier onlyRegisteredConsumers {
require (consumers[msg. sender] > 0);
function registerConsumer (address aconsumer, uint32 auserID, uint buserEnergyBal) onlyOwner external {
consumers [aconsumer] = auserID;
userEnergyBal [aconsumer] = buserEnergyBal;
//////producer register part
modifier onlyRegisteredProducers {
require (producers[msg. sender]>0);
function registerProducer(address bproducer,uint buserID, uint buserEnergyBal) onlyOwner external {
producers [bproducer] = buserID;
userEnergyBal [bproducer] = buserEnergyBal;
////////trading part
function buy_energy (address aproducer, uint64 aenergy) onlyRegisteredConsumers external payable {
function sendEthUser(address _user) public payable{
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1 Answer
Well, you're sending 0 eth with your transaction, and your transaction is trying to send 2 wei to user
, does your contract hold those 2 wei initially? If not, that's the reason why it's not working.
The balance will be transferred from the account that calls the buy_energy() and eventually the sendEthUser(). So why do I need any balance in my contract? @Foxxxey Commented Jun 7, 2023 at 6:32
1But you didn't send the 2 wei required. You can see that the value sent is 0 wei. Commented Jun 7, 2023 at 10:52
You need to explicitely send those with the transaction, they arent taken automatically from the users wallet.– FoxxxeyCommented Jun 7, 2023 at 11:33
Well, I don't get it clear. How do I need to modify the buy_energy() function? Can you help me with the proper code that I need to add or modify? @Foxxxey Commented Jun 7, 2023 at 13:50
Well, I don't get it clear. How do I need to modify the buy_energy() function? Can you help me with the proper code that I need to add or modify? @Nal Luksik Commented Jun 7, 2023 at 14:11