I try to simulate uniswap v3 swapping, but when I calculate the amount of swapping,it is different with the real transaction transaction, my source is :
real swap transaction is : https://etherscan.io/tx/0x0d4ca35b60ba05a560d28981f5279c1239bb29e9c5e2233f37bfa01fd932888a/advanced#eventlog
import math
liq = 51382895425499766
amount_in = -20880694073979538166744
sqrtp_cur = 20235526278242839950011
def price_to_tick(p):
return math.floor(math.log(p, 1.0001))
q96 = 2**96
def price_to_sqrtp(p):
return int(math.sqrt(p) * q96)
def liquidity0(amount, pa, pb):
if pa > pb:
pa, pb = pb, pa
return (amount * (pa * pb) / q96) / (pb - pa)
def liquidity1(amount, pa, pb):
if pa > pb:
pa, pb = pb, pa
return amount * q96 / (pb - pa)
eth = 10**18
amount_eth = 1 * eth
amount_usdc = 5000 * eth
def calc_amount0(liq, pa, pb):
if pa > pb:
pa, pb = pb, pa
return int(liq * q96 * (pb - pa) / pa / pb)
def calc_amount1(liq, pa, pb):
if pa > pb:
pa, pb = pb, pa
return int(liq * (pb - pa) / q96)
price_diff = (amount_in * q96) // liq
price_next = sqrtp_cur + price_diff
price_next = int((liq * q96 * sqrtp_cur) // (liq * q96 + amount_in * sqrtp_cur))
amount_in = calc_amount0(liq, price_next, sqrtp_cur)
amount_out = calc_amount1(liq, price_next, sqrtp_cur)
print("New tick:", price_to_tick((price_next / q96) ** 2))
print("amount0:", amount_in )
print("amount1_cal:", amount_out * (0.997))
print("amount1_real: 1237749089")
when I pass the values of real transactions I get different values in my code (the fee is 0.03 and I multiply value on 0.997). I expect to have 1237749089 for amount_in(based on transaction) but it is 1515307633295,whats wrong in my code?