I'm attempting to clone gmx.io. I understand most of the on-chain and Dex concepts, but I'm stumped on how to establish an off-chain Keepers they did not opensource the code for that, so could you kindly assist me in determining what the specific usage of the keepers was and how I would implement keepers?

I've included some relevant articles below.

https://gmxio.gitbook.io/gmx/contracts https://gmx-io.notion.site/gmx-io/GMX-Technical-Overview-47fc5ed832e243afb9e97e8a4a036353 https://medium.com/perpdex/gmx-research-9da560f1e447 https://liamhieuvu.com/how-gmx-limit-order-and-long-short-work

1 Answer 1


I found another open-source project that has implemented a keeper similar to gmx. I believe it could be helpful for you. This is the link : https://github.com/Buffer-Finance/Buffer-Keepers

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