I am new to solidity . I am trying to build some smart contracts following a course . I have my "compile.js" file .When I run it using the command "node compile.js ",then it shows the error
"Range error :Maximum call stack size exceeded" .
But when I run the command
"node --stack-size=2000 compile.js"
then I get the bytecode and abi of my contract .I need bytecode generated from compile.js file to another file, until I fix this error it seems not to work.
I saw my node version has the stack size =984 . Is there any solution so that I can fix my stack size to 2000 or is there any node js version which has already 2000 default stack size or can I put any code in my contract so that stack size remain 2000 .
I tried many solutions
const v8 = require('v8'); v8.setFlagsFromString('--stack-size=2000');
I put this in my compile.js file .but it seems not to work .Thanks a lot .
here is my compile.js file
const path= require('path');
const fs= require('fs');
const solc=require('solc');
const v8 = require('v8');
const inboxPath=path.resolve(__dirname,'contracts','Inbox.sol');
const source = fs.readFileSync(inboxPath,'utf-8');
module.exports = solc.compile(source,1).contracts[':Inbox'];
here is my main smart contract
pragma solidity >=0.4.25;
contract Inbox {
string public message;
constructor(string memory intialmsg) public{
message = intialmsg;
function setmessage(string memory newMessage) public {
message = newMessage;
I checked my solc version and solidity version and both seems same : here is package.json file
"name": "inbox",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"ganache-cli": "^6.12.2",
"mocha": "^10.2.0",
"openzeppelin-solidity": "^4.6.0",
"solc": "^0.4.25",
"web3": "^1.0.0-beta.26"
I have been struggling with this problem for so long ,dont want to quit here .Thanks a lot .