// The addQuestion function allows the exam administrator to add a question to the exam
    function addQuestion(uint _questionNumber, string memory _question, string memory _answer) public {
        require(msg.sender == administrator, "Only the administrator can add questions to the exam.");
        require(_questionNumber > 0 && _questionNumber <= numQuestions, "Invalid question number.");
        require(questions[_questionNumber] == bytes32(0), "Question has already been added.");

        questions[_questionNumber] = _question;
        answers[_questionNumber] = _answer;

    // The submitAnswers function allows a user to submit their answers to the exam
    function submitAnswers(uint[] memory _answers) public {
        require(isOpen, "Exam is closed.");
        require(_answers.length == numQuestions, "Incorrect number of answers.");
        address user = msg.sender;
        Submission storage submission = submissions[user];

        require(submission.numAttempts <= maxAttempts, "Exceeded maximum number of attempts.");

        // Grade the submission
        submission.score = 0;
        for (uint i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++) {
            if (_answers[i] == uint(answers[i])) {
// Save the submission
        submission.answers = _answers;
  • Can you be a bit more clear with your question, and write your code examples in code blocks appropriately?
    – immaxkent
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 11:10

1 Answer 1


I am guessing that you have a mapping like mapping(uint => string) public questions;

So instead of comparing it with a bytes32 object for the size, you can just do

require(bytes(questions[_questionNumber]).length == 0,"Already Exists!")

  • thanks alot this was super helpful...i got another TypeError: Explicit type conversion not allowed from "string storage ref" to "uint256".at the if statement below as well if (_answers[i] == uint(answers[i])) { {submission.score++; } } Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 15:33
  • Still need help or did you manage to solve it? Commented Dec 29, 2022 at 20:47

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