Does exactly what says on the tin.
I have an NFT that has "million" in the name and I would like to offer 1 million pieces.
This is a very general question. You can do whatever you want.
It's like asking, "How to create an NFT collection of 1 million items?" in the first place. Well, depends on what you want to create.
Does each piece have to make sense in itself (any restrictions?) - or can it just be a set of pixels?
For example, each piece could be the entire NFT but with a single pixel modified according to some formula. Or a chunk of pixels. Etc.
Or it could be a literal carve out of the image, assuming you have >= a million pixels.
Or you could sample pixels from the image randomly so that no sample is the same (which would then work even if you have <a million pixels).
You could also apply a hue or some other transformation which itself becomes the hash that represents the piece.
There are a ton of other options here (really endless).
Any guidelines/restrictions would help narrow this down.
split NFT into pieces
- it's not even a full sentence, it's just FOUR words. Complicated and complex start above 2 sentences. Rule of thumb: "if you can explain it in 2 sentences that's simple"
Jan 18, 2023 at 16:09