i have the following contract function

    function voteForAnswer(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32[] answerKeys)
     returns (bool success)
    // is the sender allowed to do this?
    if (voters[msg.sender].enabled == false) {
    // TODO: check for question existence;
    if (questions[questionKey].alreadyVoted[msg.sender] == true) {
    questions[questionKey].alreadyVoted[msg.sender] = true;
    for (uint i; i <= answerKeys.length; i++) {
        questions[questionKey].answers[answerKeys[i]].voteCount += 1;
        VoterVotedFor(msg.sender, questionKey, answerKeys[i]);

How can i invoke the contract function?

enter image description here

currently i get the following Mist-Message

enter image description here

What do i wrong?

Thanks Thomas


i adapted my contract so that i do not use any more an array in my function VoteForAnswer; i still get an error:

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;

contract owned {
    address public owner;

    function owned() {
        owner = msg.sender;

    modifier onlyOwner {
        if (msg.sender != owner) throw;

    function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyOwner {
        owner = newOwner;

contract Roadshow is owned {

    bytes32 public text;  // shortname (up to 32 bytes)
    uint public start; // datetime when roadshow starts
    uint public end;   // datetime when roadshow ends
    mapping(address => Voter) public voters;

    struct Voter {
        bool enabled;  // if true, that person is currently allowed to vote

    struct Answer
        bytes32 text;
        uint voteCount; // number of accumulated votes
        // add more non-key fields as needed

    struct Question
        bytes32 text;
        mapping(bytes32 => Answer) answers; // random access by question key and answer key
        bytes32[] answerList; // list of answer keys so we can look them up
        // add more non-key fields as needed
        mapping(address => bool) alreadyVoted;

    mapping(bytes32 => Question) questions; // random access by question key
    bytes32[] questionList; // list of question keys so we can enumerate them

    function Roadshow(bytes32 _name) {
        text = _name;
        start = now;
        voters[msg.sender].enabled = true;

    function addQuestion(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32 text)
        returns(bool success)
        // not checking for duplicates
        questions[questionKey].text = text;
        return true;

    function getQuestion(bytes32 questionKey)
        returns(bytes32 wording, uint answerCount)

    function addAnswer(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32 answerKey, bytes32 answerText)
        returns(bool success)
        questions[questionKey].answers[answerKey].text = answerText;
        // answer vote will init to 0 without our help
        // questionStructs[questionKey].answerStructs[answerKey].voteCount = 0;

        return true;

    function getQuestionAnswer(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32 answerKey)
        returns(bytes32 answerText, uint answerVoteCount)

    function getQuestionAnswerText(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32 answerKey)
        returns(bytes32 answerText)
        answerText = questions[questionKey].answers[answerKey].text;

        return answerText;

    function getQuestionAnswerCount(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32 answerKey)
        returns(uint answerCount)
        answerCount = questions[questionKey].answers[answerKey].voteCount;

        return answerCount;

    function getQuestionCount()
        returns(uint questionCount)
        return questionList.length;

    function getQuestionAtIndex(uint row)
        returns(bytes32 questionkey)
        return questionList[row];

    function getQuestionAnswerCount(bytes32 questionKey)
        returns(uint answerCount)

    function getQuestionAnswerAtIndex(bytes32 questionKey, uint answerRow)
        returns(bytes32 answerKey)

    // in Ethereum we cannot pass dynamically sized arrays
    // function voteForAnswer(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32[] answerKeys)
    function voteForAnswer(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32 answerKey)
         returns (bool success)
        // is the sender allowed to do this?
        if (voters[msg.sender].enabled == false) {
        // TODO: check for question existence;
        if (questions[questionKey].alreadyVoted[msg.sender] == true) {

        questions[questionKey].alreadyVoted[msg.sender] = true;
        questions[questionKey].answers[answerKey].voteCount += 1;
        VoterVotedFor(msg.sender, questionKey, answerKey);

        return true;

    function addVoter(address _voter)
        returns (bool success)
        voters[_voter] = Voter(true);
        VoterAdded(_voter, this.text());
        return true;

    event VoterAdded(address _newVoter, bytes32 _questionKey);
    event VoterVotedFor(address _voter, bytes32 _questionKey, bytes32 _answerKey);

3 Answers 3


Not currently possible to pass a dynamic length array in/out of a function. See over here for a similar question with before/after code. Returning dyanamic array from function

The gist is we need to think in fixed sized chunks.

Hope it helps.

Re: Your updated code.

All in all, a pretty good interpretation of the approach I suggested.

Your code is compiling in Browser Solidity. There is a warning near line 177. You use this.text() where text would have the same meaning. Point is it does compile and it should deploy.

In the picture above, gas 0 suggests a failure to compile.

I think you might find Browser Solidity a better tool for working out the contract itself. Much faster feedback. If something goes haywire in deployment, that's a separate issue.

Mist isn't my tool of choice for deploying contracts. What I can say is there should be a gas estimate (not 0) if the contract compiles (should). Also, possibility something like this glitch is in the way: Unable to define greeterContract in the Greeter tutorial. Breaking change in Solidity 0.4.9!

  • Ok, i changed the code to the following function voteForAnswer(bytes32 questionKey, bytes32 answerKey) returns (bool success) { if (voters[msg.sender].enabled == false) { throw; } if (questions[questionKey].alreadyVoted[msg.sender] == true) { throw; } questions[questionKey].alreadyVoted[msg.sender] = true; questions[questionKey].answers[answerKey].voteCount += 1; VoterVotedFor(msg.sender, questionKey, answerKey); return true; } but i get still an error from Mist
    – tkdp
    Commented Apr 1, 2017 at 15:49
  • Maybe put the whole contract in the question so we see the problem? Commented Apr 2, 2017 at 2:24
  • Your code compiled for me in (with one warning) in Remix (a.k.a. browser Solidity) solc 0.4.8 and 0.4.10. So, in theory error is different now. Gas:0 suggests compiler error. Commented Apr 2, 2017 at 7:10
  • i'm so sorry!!! i changed simply the pragma from ^0.4.0 to 0.4.8 and i'm happy => sorry to bother you with so stupid questions
    – tkdp
    Commented Apr 2, 2017 at 10:02

Perhaps what you are looking for is bytes - a dynamically-sized array of byte that gets the same special treatment as string does.

For comparison, the code provided uses a dynamically-sized array of bytes32 - that is, chunks of 32 bytes.


lets consider i have function whose input parameter is


bytes32[ ] // array of type bytes 32


which looks like:

 function abc(bytes32 id, bytes32[ ] name,uint8 version) returns(bool)

so now to provoke the function (using remix) you have to pass parameters which looks like:


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