I want a very simple example, maybe a function in a solidity contract that returns any value from an off-chain data source. Basically, I'm asking how to incorporate oracles into a contract, because I cannot for the life of me figure out how. I've downloaded Truffle, Ganache, Web3, etc. What environment should I be doing this all in? Is there a way to write JavaScript code in Remix? If not, where do I write my off-chain code and how do I integrate it with my contract I wrote in Remix?

Edit: I want some way to get off chain data into a smart contract. I'll deal with getting a reliable data source later, but I want to know how to get up an environment where I can code in that can send data to a blockchain.

1 Answer 1


You can take a look at this on how to incorporate Oracles such as Chainlink and Amberdata into smart contracts in Remix:


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