I'm trying to test if the delegatecall works fine, but I got an unwanted result.
contract CallerContract{
uint256 public value;
address public sender;
string public name;
constructor() payable{
function testDelegateCall(string memory _name, TargetContractDelegate tc) public payable{
value = msg.value;
sender = msg.sender;
name = _name;
(bool success, bytes memory data) = payable(address(tc)).delegatecall(
abi.encodeWithSelector(TargetContractDelegate.targetFunction.selector, "Some Name")
contract TargetContractDelegate{
uint256 public value;
address public sender;
string public name;
function targetFunction(string memory _nameTarget) public payable{
value = msg.value;
sender = msg.sender;
name = _nameTarget;
function getValues() public view returns(string memory, address, uint) {
return (name, sender, value);
and my test file:
describe("Delegate Contract Testing...\n", function () {
async function deployTokenFixture() {
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
const CallerContract = await ethers.getContractFactory("CallerContract");
const callercontract = await CallerContract.deploy();
await callercontract.deployed();
const TargetContractDelegate = await ethers.getContractFactory("TargetContractDelegate");
const targetcontract = await TargetContractDelegate.deploy();
await targetcontract.deployed();
return {
describe("Deployment", function() {
it("can call the target function a pass args", async function() {
const { callercontract, targetcontract, deployer } = await loadFixture(deployTokenFixture);
const tx = await callercontract.testDelegateCall(
"Mensaje", targetcontract.address
const l = await targetcontract.getValues();
the console returns with:
BigNumber { value: "0" }