I was going through a function that emits multiple events. Usualyy, if a function emits a single event, we can check that during the test cases using:

 await expect(contract.claimTokens(busd.address))
   .to.emit(contract, "Claimed")
   .withArgs(user.address, busd.address);

But what if a function has more than 1 event? How to compare that? Any answer will be appreciated.

3 Answers 3


I found the answer. You just have to append the next event in the same expect. Something like this:

await expect(contract.claimTokens(busd.address))
   .to.emit(contract, "Claimed")
   .withArgs(user.address, busd.address)
   .to.emit(contract, "Claimed")
   .withArgs(user.address, busd.address);

In my case, it didn't work. The event expected first wasn't correctly tested, I can put any value, and it returns always true.

I change it like this:

            const tx = contract.claimTokens(busd.address);
            await Promise.all([
                expect(tx).to.emit(contract, "Claimed").withArgs(user.address, busd.address),
                expect(tx).to.emit(contract, "Claimed").withArgs(user.address, busd.address)

You can also use .and infront to make it more readable

await expect(contract.claimTokens(busd.address))
   .to.emit(contract, "Claimed")
   .withArgs(user.address, busd.address)
   .and.to.emit(contract, "Claimed")
   .withArgs(user.address, busd.address);

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