I've digged through all the related question, but none of these worked for me. I used this repo, and replaced the contract and test file : https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat-boilerplate
EDIT 26/11 : was able to reproduce it with a simple modification from the repo above, if you want to try it yourself : https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat-boilerplate/issues/79
I'll start by giving the context of the issue, then I'll present my issue.
Context description
the contract is a multi-sig wallet with approvers defined at construction. I get signers here, and then deploy my contract where I set signer0..2 as approvers :
const [signer0, signer1, signer2, signer3, signer4] = await ethers.getSigners();
const wallet = await walletFactory.deploy([signer0.address, signer1.address, signer2.address]);
I'm testing this solidity function :
function createTransfer (uint amount, address payable to) external onlyApprover() {
which has a modifier onlyApprover :
modifier onlyApprover() {
bool allowed = false;
for (uint i=0; i<approvers.length; i++) {
if (approvers[i] == msg.sender) {
allowed = true;
require(allowed == true, "only approver allowed");
When calling this function with an account which is not part of the approvers array, it reverts.
await expect(wallet.connect(signer3).createTransfer(100, addr4, {from: signer3.address}));
await expect(wallet.connect(signer3).createTransfer(100, addr4, {from: signer3.address})
The test pass while it should pass only for the second one
If I put the await inside the expect :
expect(await wallet.connect(signer3).createTransfer(100, addr4, {from: signer3.address}));
expect(await wallet.connect(signer3).createTransfer(100, addr4, {from: signer3.address})
The test do not pass in both cases with this error, which is the solidity error I expect !.. but it should be caught by the test and validate it in the to.be.reverted case.
Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: reverted with reason string 'only approver allowed'
I also tried using to.be.revertedWith('only approver allowed'), same issue in both case.
What am I missing ? Does someone have a repo to share where I could see something like that implemented and working ?
Thank you