I am looking for doing something, if an event is emmited from solidity contract.
Here's my solidity contract::
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract QuoteV2{
string private quote;
event quoteUploaded(string newQuote);
// mapping(address => string) public users;
struct userQuoteTime {
mapping(address => string) u;
string _quote;
string _time ;
struct newUser {
string userName;
address walletAddress;
mapping (uint256 => newUser) public users;
event newUserCame(uint256 indexed _userId);
uint256 public userCount;
function setQuote(string memory _quote) public {
quote = _quote;
emit quoteUploaded(_quote);
function getQuote() public view returns(string memory){
return quote;
function newUserF(address _walletAddress, string memory _userName) public {
newUser memory User;
User.userName = _userName;
User.walletAddress = _walletAddress;
users[userCount] = newUser(_userName, _walletAddress);
// function getUsers() public view returns(newUser memory) {
// return users;
// }
function getUsers() public view returns (newUser[] memory){
newUser[] memory id = new newUser[](userCount);
for (uint i = 0; i < userCount; i++) {
newUser storage user = users[i];
id[i] = user;
return id;
I want to catch the quoteUploaded
event. I am using react typescript.
Please help me.