I'm trying to make a get function based on date(in timestamp) Do I need another mapping? Take into consideration that it might be more than one registries on the same date. Any help is great. :)

   struct Route{
        uint id;
        uint date;
        string driverName;
        string routeBinId;
    mapping(uint256 => Route) routes;
    // Set/Store Data
    function setRouteData( uint256 _date, string memory _driverName, string memory _routeBinId)
    public _ownerOnly payable {
        routes[routeId] = Route(routeId, _date, _driverName, _routeBinId);
    // Get All Data
    function getRouteData() external view _ownerOnly returns (Route[] memory){
      Route[] memory id = new Route[](routeId);
      for (uint i = 0; i < routeId; i++) {
          Route storage route1 = routes[i];
          id[i] = route1;
      return id;
    // Get Data based on Id
    function getRouteDataBasedOnId(uint _routeId) external view _ownerOnly returns(Route memory){
        return routes[_routeId];

1 Answer 1


Hope this article will help you resolve it. https://soliditytips.com/articles/solidity-dates-time-operations/

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