This might take a while to describe but I'll be as concise as possible.
I have written a contract who encodes the calldatas of a function as well as its arguments.
For example, if I were to say that I want to swap 1000 tokens, through path ["0xFBf02764ca98778F07b5bF6677ce09B85476a7aC", "0xa1091A624AFcab43575298447c6c60Fc54966917"], sent to 0x28EEd3aC3eBD21F849C4c0cA969ddb90fa01a9d3 with a deadline of 11111111111 I would get this calldatas :
Now I want to make the amountOutMin of tokens, the path and the deadline constant variables, so that I doesn't have to fill the inputs when I call the function, is that possible ?
I've tried this but it doesn't seems to work since I still have to fill the inputs when I want to call the function (through Remix or Etherscan).
Maybe I have to use a structure ? I don't know.
If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated, thank y'all !