I'm trying to calculate in ethers.js the cost of a transaction on BSC. I found on another thread the following snippet of code:

getTxCost = async (txHash) => {
        let receipt = await provider.getTransactionReceipt(txHash);
        return receipt.effectiveGasPrice.mul(receipt.gasUsed);

but the problem is that effectiveGasPrice seems to not exist on BSC. How can I get this value? Thanks

1 Answer 1


face the same issue today. Not the best solution, but i get the value via https://docs.ethers.io/v5/api/providers/provider/#Provider-getGasPrice

gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice()

From bscscan, the value seems to be quite constant, 5 Gwei. But still, this is just a best guess of gasPrice. Hopefully there will be a better solution soon.

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