For example,

struct somestruct {
        uint someuint;
        mapping(address=>uint) somemapping;

arrayofsomestruct[] public _arrayofsomestruct;

The getter function automatically created for _arrayofsomestruct seems to return someuint in the array, but not the mapping values? Is an additional getter function required to retrieve the values in somemapping?

1 Answer 1


In your case you can use a getter function where you retrieve all values about specific struct inside array. See this smart contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.0;

contract RetrieveMappingValuesFromStructArray {
    struct somestruct {
        uint someuint;
        mapping(address=>uint) somemapping;

    somestruct[] public _arrayofsomestruct;

    function setStruct(uint _firstValue, address _address,  uint _secondValue) public {
        somestruct storage someStruct = _arrayofsomestruct.push();
        someStruct.someuint = _firstValue;
        someStruct.somemapping[_address] = _secondValue;

    function getStruct(uint index, address _address) external view returns(uint someuint, uint somemapping) {
        return (_arrayofsomestruct[index].someuint, _arrayofsomestruct[index].somemapping[_address]);

  • Didn't expect such a detailed answer, thank you. BTW, without the getter function in this contract, can other contract get the mapping values of this contract through a getter function? If the array is accessible to the other contract.
    – frt132
    Commented Apr 17, 2022 at 18:12
  • You'll have ever to create a getter function in other contract to access into keys and values mapping. Commented Apr 18, 2022 at 21:44

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