have seen similar post before, but can seam to get anything working. I am trying to pull block data (mostly all transactions) from a range of blocks (startBlock-endBlock) but keep getting errors or the function checks out but i return "undefined"

Using a function I found here just to grab transaction counts by block range (working up to full list) :Common useful JavaScript snippets for geth

function checkTransactionCount(startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber) {
  console.log("Searching for non-zero transaction counts between blocks "  + startBlockNumber + " and " + endBlockNumber);

  for (var i = startBlockNumber; i <= endBlockNumber; i++) {
    var block = web3.eth.getBlock(i);
    if (block != null) {
      if (block.transactions != null && block.transactions.length != 0) {
        console.log("Block #" + i + " has " + block.transactions + " transactions")

but get "undefined" when i run checkTransactionCount(startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber).

pretty new to web3.js, any help is appreciated

1 Answer 1


web3.eth.getBlock(i) is an asynchronous function, you should either use a callback or async / await. Because you are not waiting for the result, you get undefined simply because there is no result (yet).

Here is a version using the callback :

function checkTransactionCount(startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber) {
    "Searching for non-zero transaction counts between blocks " +
      startBlockNumber +
      " and " +

  for (var i = startBlockNumber; i <= endBlockNumber; i++) {
    web3.eth.getBlock(i, (err, block) => {
      if (err == null && block != null) {
        if (block.transactions != null && block.transactions.length != 0) {
            "\n\nBlock #" + i + " has " + block.transactions + " transactions"

Or as stated above, you could use async / await like so :

async function checkTransactionCount(startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber) {
    "Searching for non-zero transaction counts between blocks " +
      startBlockNumber +
      " and " +

  for (var i = startBlockNumber; i <= endBlockNumber; i++) {
    let block = await web3.eth.getBlock(i);
    if (block != null) {
      if (block.transactions != null && block.transactions.length != 0) {
          "\n\nBlock #" + i + " has " + block.transactions + " transactions"

EDIT : Here is an example using async / await returning an array with the transactions hash that are present between startBlockNumber and endBlockNumber :

const Web3 = require("Web3");
const ENDPOINT = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_PROJECT_ID";

let web3 = new Web3(ENDPOINT);

async function checkTransactionCount(startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber) {
  transactions = [];

  for (var i = startBlockNumber; i <= endBlockNumber; i++) {
    let block = await web3.eth.getBlock(i);
    if (block != null) {
      if (block.transactions != null && block.transactions.length != 0) {
        transactions = transactions.concat(block.transactions);

  return transactions;

async function main() {
    "Searching for non-zero transaction counts between blocks 2000000 and 2000010"
  let transactions = await checkTransactionCount(2000000, 2000010);

  console.log(transactions.length + " transactions found");

  • So, this function seams to work, but I still can’t call it into a dataset/ object, what am I missing here…this is my example [notebook] (observablehq.com/d/a9be02e6ce765558), but if I run the function the call `data = await functionName(startblocknumber, endblocknumber)’ I still get undefined
    – DataDope
    Commented Mar 27, 2022 at 4:06
  • Well your function is not returning anything, so that's what you'd have to change, do you need an example of that ? I just made the function you provided work, now if you want it to return the set of transactions just tell me and I can add the appropriate versions.
    – hroussille
    Commented Mar 27, 2022 at 11:59
  • Yah, That would be super helpful. I’m using 1.6 with infuria. Thanks for helping a newb, will have to work on my Java script!
    – DataDope
    Commented Mar 28, 2022 at 2:47
  • even with the edit i still end up with undefined when i call main() or data = main().then(console.log)
    – DataDope
    Commented Mar 30, 2022 at 3:22
  • You definitely need to learn more JavaScript, the edit makes the function checkTransactionCount return an array of transactions, it should be called like in my example : ` let transactions = await checkTransactionCount(2000000, 2000010);` where you can change the start and end block of course.
    – hroussille
    Commented Mar 30, 2022 at 7:36

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