I have a smart contract, and I would like to send tokens to my holders, however I would like to put a time lock on these tokens, as the holder to keep them for 2 months in their wallet, before they will be able to swap, send or even sell them.

Is there any function to do this ?

  1. Any tokens coming from this wallet address, 2)To be locked for this time, 3)before they are unlocked)

Any one can advise me please?


1 Answer 1


You could use a vested dapp website, add modifier, or write a function. uint256 numbers are initialized to zero so the following code should work:

mapping(address => uint256) lockedAddress;
uint256 launch = block.timestamp;

modifier isLocked() {
     require(lockedAddress[msg.sender] < block.timestamp + 5184000);
  • Wonderful, many thanks, Btw, do you have the time to look into my contract and make the changes for a fee (if this site allows paid services) please. bscscan.com/address/…
    – Baitona
    Commented Feb 5, 2022 at 21:35
  • I'll look it over and create a new one, please message me on telegram to discuss further, @Anon_Grunt
    – FudgyDRS
    Commented Feb 5, 2022 at 23:57
  • okay, I sent it you a DM on telegram
    – Baitona
    Commented Feb 6, 2022 at 13:37

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