I am doing PoC on Ethereum using Azure Ethereum network and Web3. I was working from last 1 month and I have created one smart contract for student management and that was working like fab. But for some reason I have deleted my Azure Ethereum network and created a new one. I have followed all the steps which I did previously, but its showing error in formal verification section like
Error: Type int256 not supported for state variable
The same smart contract code was working fine previously. Transactions are happening from Metamask but I cant read the data from functions so I am able to figure our where the exact issue is?
~pragma solidity ^0.4.9;
contract SimpleTest {
int public count;
function IncCounter()
function GetCounter() constant returns(int)
return count;
I have searched for this issue but didn't find anything valuable, can someone please help me understand the exact issue and how to resolve it quickly.