These are the addresses:
0x7cB57B5A97Eabe94205c07890BE3C1aD31E486A8 0x7Cb57B5a97EaBe94205c07890bE4C1aD31E456a8 0x7cB57B5A97eAbe94205C07890BE4c1aD31E486A8 0x7CB57b5A97eabe94205C07890beaC1aD31E486a8
They all have different transactions/balances on Etherscan. How can that be (as I read everywhere that ETH-addresses are not case-sensitive) and how to avoid when sending a transaction in MEW offline without possibility to make it case sensitive, that it doesn't land in another wallet like in my 4 example addresses?
Thanks in advance for explaining