This is driving me NUTS. I am running through this handy dandy Solidity course
Where I am at timestamp 5:45:11, where I write a script to interact with the FundMe contract and it works fine on Rinkeby to call the "getEntranceFee()" function or any function I want to call, but it does not work on ganache-local. I get this error:
Running 'scripts/'...
File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
File "brownie/project/", line 69, in run
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "./scripts/", line 16, in main
File "./scripts/", line 9, in fund
entrance_fee = fund_me.getEntranceFee()
File "brownie/network/", line 115, in _proxy_call
result = ContractCall.__call__(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "brownie/network/", line 1729, in __call__
return*args, block_identifier=block_identifier)
File "brownie/network/", line 1533, in call
raise VirtualMachineError(e) from None
VirtualMachineError: revert
I've noticed that I have had issues for some time of having scripts that deploy and run contracts just fine on the testnets. But when I run a script that deploys and interacts with contracts on my local ganache chain, it compiles and deploys soundly but any interaction with it doesn't work. How would I debug this issue? I am at a total loss here. Did I do something wrong in setting up the ganache chain? I thought it was plug and play.