I'm testing how to decode the input data of a transaction. I am currently using Infura and web3py.

In the case of USDT token transfer, USDT ABI and contract address are obtained and decoded through Web3 as shown below.

tx_exam: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x10ae89504d616f7264d4e2685646df296bc0659faf25cf5cabea6dedf00a2a8b

from ethereum_input_decoder import ContractAbi
from web3 import Web3
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<project id>'))

contract_addr = 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7
tx_addr = 0x72c43755a8a1c8855fe05b5f5e8ac8486d86fd7592d4df299f702c9438596f99
contract = w3.eth.contract(abi=ABI)
info = w3.eth.get_transaction(tx_addr)
print(f'info : {info}')

input = contract.decode_function_input(info.input)
print(f'input: {input}')


info : AttributeDict({'blockHash': HexBytes('0xeb6645b7f457652f5659c132d5730923e7a426cf5082e9360effb0fc6f3a8874'), 'blockNumber': 12907292, 'from': '0x5BCCB9eAb6059cc6aA779b30CEB4Ab9753Af9eD1', 'gas': 65000, 'gasPrice': 30000000000, 'hash': HexBytes('0x72c43755a8a1c8855fe05b5f5e8ac8486d86fd7592d4df299f702c9438596f99'), 'input': '0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000efab108724ce581a0373d6f2e70b5e1d08619037000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140d06b', 'nonce': 14062, 'r': HexBytes('0x0aed3f1f217ed8b9b01338a201898346f7d79ecdf30ec1e0b0ed57a569102276'), 's': HexBytes('0x587fb3c7691342d64ec7c1f12ea774c65da02009d2e017286324d3e87334e264'), 'to': '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7', 'transactionIndex': 486, 'type': '0x0', 'v': 38, 'value': 0})
input: (<Function transfer(address,uint256)>, {'_to': '0xEfAb108724Ce581a0373d6F2E70B5e1d08619037', '_value': 21024875})

But,Some tx have complex Transferred as below... exam: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x2cc680e68bf16b6b2cd354afc4f4ddaf6ac8c9eb26ae249245d958c68300d750 enter image description here

In the case of Etherscan, decoding is performed as follows...
How can I decode in this case?
Which contract's ABI should I use..?
enter image description here

Is the transfer between tokens different from normal transactions?
Please inquire whether there is a separate transaction hash for transmission or whether it can be checked.

Is the debug_tracetransaction of geth a function to trace this transfer?

1 Answer 1


You cannot decode from the input whether the smart contract is going to call other smart contracts. The only way to find out this is to execute the transaction in a node and take a trace what the smart contract is doing.

Is the debug_tracetransaction of geth a function to trace this transfer?


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