Im getting myself into smartcontract development using solidity, I wrote the below smart contract and I have some issues with the Chai and Mocha test for the first function addCandidate()
//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;
contract VotingContract{
address public moderator;
struct Candidate {
uint256 id;
string name;
uint256 voteCount;
struct Voter {
string name;
mapping(address => bool) hasVoted;
mapping(address => Voter) public votes;
mapping(uint256 => Candidate) public candidateLookup; //candidates will be identified with an unique ID
uint256 public candidateCount; //Will be used to track the number of candidates
enum State {beforeStart, running, halted}
State public electionState;
event AddedCandidate(string _name);
event Voted( uint256 id, string _name);
constructor () {
moderator = msg.sender;
electionState = State.beforeStart;
candidateCount = 0; //Not really necesary to initalize to zero as per solidity documentation -> A variable which is declared will have an initial default value whose byte-representation is all zeros. The “default values” of variables are the typical “zero-state” of whatever the type is. For example, the default value for a bool is false. The default value for the uint or int types is 0
modifier onlyModerator{
require(msg.sender == moderator, 'Only the moderator of the election can use this function');
modifier votingInProcess {
require(electionState == State.running, 'The election is not active at this moment');
function addCandidate(string memory _name) public onlyModerator returns(bool){
Candidate storage newCandidate = candidateLookup[candidateCount]; = candidateCount; = _name;
newCandidate.voteCount = 0;
emit AddedCandidate(_name);
return true;
function getCandidate(uint256 _id) public view returns(uint256, string memory){
string memory name = candidateLookup[_id].name;
uint256 voteCount = candidateLookup[_id].voteCount;
return (voteCount, name);
function getCandidates() external view returns(string[] memory, uint256[] memory){
string [] memory names = new string[](candidateCount);
uint256[] memory voteCounts = new uint[](candidateCount);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++) {
names[i] = candidateLookup[i].name;
voteCounts[i] = candidateLookup[i].voteCount;
return (names, voteCounts);
function startVoting() external onlyModerator {
electionState = State.running;
function haltVoting() external onlyModerator {
electionState = State.halted;
function vote(uint256 _id, string memory _name) public votingInProcess returns (bool){
Voter storage newVoter = votes[msg.sender];
require(_id >= 0 && _id <= candidateCount, 'There is no candidate with the specified ID');
require(newVoter.hasVoted[msg.sender] == false, 'You can only vote one time!');
candidateLookup[_id].voteCount++; = _name;
newVoter.hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;
emit Voted(_id, _name);
return true;
This is the test I have done so far
//getting the contract json representation
const VotingContract = artifacts.require('./VotingContract');
const BN = web3.utils.BN;
let instance;
let accounts;
let owner;
contract('VotingContract', async(accs) => {
accounts = accs;
moderator = accounts[0];
it('Can add a candidate', async() => {
let instance = await VotingContract.deployed();
let id = 0;
let newCandidateName = 'Candidate1'
await instance.addCandidate(newCandidateName, {from: moderator});
let request = await
assert.equal(request, newCandidateName)
But it fails, this is what I receive
1) Can add a candidate
0 passing (489ms)
1 failing
1) Can add a candidate:
AssertionError: expected { Object (0, 1, ...) } to equal 'Candidate1'
at Context.<anonymous> (test\VotingContract.test.js:21:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
I dont understand from where does the { Object (0, 1, ...) } comes from,
Can any one point me in the right direction? What is this? What documentation should I read? Any additional feedback about the smartcontract I developed will be appreciated!