dear Ethereum community,
I have this problem upgrading a contract from 0.4.19 to ^0.6.0:
function someFunction(
uint256 initialSupply,
string memory contractName,
string memory tokenSymbol,
uint256 contractHoldTime,
uint256 contractHoldMax,
uint256 contractMaxSupply,
address contractOwner
) public {
totalSupply = initialSupply;
name = contractName;
symbol = tokenSymbol;
holdTime = contractHoldTime;
holdMax = contractHoldMax;
maxSupply = contractMaxSupply;
owner = contractOwner;
balanceOf[contractOwner] = balanceOf[contractOwner].add(totalSupply);
in the last line balanceOf...
Indexed expression has to be a type, mapping or array (is function (address) view returns (uint256))
waiting your reply...