dYdX has an event called LogDeposit(address indexed accountOwner, uint256 accountNumber, uint256 market, BalanceUpdate update, address from) within their SoloMargin contract. I am trying to get the signature hash for this using the following code:
from Crypto.Hash import keccak
keccak_hash = keccak.new(digest_bits=256)
This produces the following signature hash: ad66b490ac5d24d41e7e33a2a9ac6645bf66b577553f31d1e2917df2f83f15a6. However, I do not think it is right. When I search for this topic in etherscan nothing is returned.
I am wondering if it has to do with the BalanceUpdate parameter. I am used to searching for the other types such as address and uint256, but this one I haven't seen and do not know if I am doing this right.
is composed of? dYdX contains many contracts, I'm not easily able to find it.