I have the following two helper functions. It was based on a course I'm going through, so I didn't think I would have to debug them. I don't understand why it works with whole numbers, but not with decimals.
export const EthToWei = (n) => {
return new web3.utils.BN(
export const WeiToEth = (n) => {
return new web3.utils.BN(
I wrote this unit test (was already using Truffle):
describe('testHelpers - full WeiToEth', () => {
let wei = 2000000000000000000 // len 19
console.log("A1: wei=" + wei)
let eth = WeiToEth(wei)
console.log("A2: eth=" + eth)
let expectedEth = 2;
it('full WeiToEth', async () => {
describe('testHelpers - fraction WeiToEth', () => {
let wei = 200000000000000000 // len 18
console.log("B1: wei=" + wei)
let eth = WeiToEth(wei)
console.log("B2: eth=" + eth)
let expectedEth = .2;
it('fractional WeiToEth ', async () => {
describe('testHelpers - Bidirectional Whole Number', () => {
let eth = 4
console.log("C1: eth=" + eth)
let wei = EthToWei(eth)
console.log("C2: wei=" + wei)
let eth2 = WeiToEth(wei)
console.log("C3: eth2=" + eth2)
it('Bidirectional Whole Number ', async () => {
describe('testHelpers - Bidirectional Decimal Number', () => {
let eth = 4.5
console.log("D1: eth=" + eth)
let wei = EthToWei(eth)
console.log("D2: wei=" + wei)
let eth2 = WeiToEth(wei)
console.log("D3: eth2=" + eth2)
it('Bidirectional Decimal Number ', async () => {
Results without the stack traces:
A1: wei=2000000000000000000
A2: eth=2
B1: wei=200000000000000000
B2: eth=-18
C1: eth=4
C2: wei=4000000000000000000
C3: eth2=4
D1: eth=4.5
D2: wei=4500000000000000000
D3: eth2=385
testHelpers - full WeiToEth
√ full WeiToEth
testHelpers - fraction WeiToEth
1) fractional WeiToEth
testHelpers - Bidirectional Whole Number
√ Bidirectional Whole Number
testHelpers - Bidirectional Decimal Number
2) Bidirectional Decimal Number
2 passing (57ms)
2 failing
1) testHelpers - fraction WeiToEth
fractional WeiToEth :
AssertionError: expected '-18' to equal '0.2'
+ expected - actual
2) testHelpers - Bidirectional Decimal Number
Bidirectional Decimal Number :
AssertionError: expected '385' to equal '4.5'
+ expected - actual