Quorum is a fork of Ethereum, what are the main difference of them about private key/public key/address generation and representation format? In the link Quorum wiki, there is a public key like below:
{"payload": "foo", "from": "mypublickey", to: "ROAZBWtSacxXQrOe3FGAqJDyJjFePR5ce4TSIzmJ0Bc="}
the public key above is different format from ethereum HEX public key.What's it and its encoding format?
Meanwhile, I also noticed in the link Quorum example, the block info printed is all the same with ethereum:
blockHash: "0x4d6eb0d0f971b5e0394a49e36ba660c69e62a588323a873bb38610f7b9690b34",
blockNumber: 1,
from: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d",
gas: 4700000,
gasPrice: 0,
hash: "0xe28912c5694a1b8c4944b2252d5af21724e9f9095daab47bac37b1db0340e0bf",
input: "0x58c0c680ee0b55673e3127eb26e5e537c973cd97c70ec224ccca586cc4d31ae042d2c55704b881d26ca013f15ade30df2dd196da44368b4a7abfec4a2022ec6f",
nonce: 0,
r: "0x4952fd6cd1350c283e9abea95a2377ce24a4540abbbf46b2d7a542be6ed7cce5",
s: "0x4596f7afe2bd23135fa373399790f2d981a9bb8b06144c91f339be1c31ec5aeb",
to: null,
transactionIndex: 0,
v: "0x25",
value: 0
How to understand the above info? Thanks