Below is the code of the solidity contract :-
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract Auction {
address public owner;
uint public startBlock;
uint public endBlock;
string public ipfsHash;
enum State { Started, Running, Ended, Canceled }
State public auctionState;
uint public highestBindingBid;
address public highestBidder;
uint bidIncrement;
mapping(address => uint) public bids;
constructor() payable public {
owner = msg.sender;
auctionState = State.Running;
startBlock = block.number;
endBlock = block.number + 40320;
ipfsHash = "";
bidIncrement = 10;
modifier notOwner() {
require(msg.sender != owner);
modifier afterStart() {
require(block.number >= startBlock);
modifier beforeEnd() {
require(block.number <= endBlock);
function min(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns(uint) {
if(a <= b) {
return a;
} else {
return b;
function placeBid() payable public notOwner afterStart beforeEnd returns(bool) {
require(auctionState == State.Running);
require(msg.value > 0.001 ether);
uint currentBid = bids[msg.sender] + msg.value;
require(currentBid > highestBindingBid);
bids[msg.sender] = currentBid;
if(currentBid < bids[highestBidder]) {
highestBindingBid = min(currentBid + bidIncrement, bids[highestBidder]);
} else {
highestBindingBid = min(currentBid, bids[highestBidder] + bidIncrement);
highestBidder = msg.sender;
return true;
I deployed this contract by using Javascript VM but on click of PlaceBid in Remix , I get an error message stating :-.
Note: The constructor should be payable if you send value. Debug the transaction to get more information.
As you can see that both place placeBid and constructor are payable . What is causing this and how can it be resolved?