I'm getting the following error trying to sort an array of Structs.
UnimplementedFeatureError: Copying of type struct SortStruct.TestStruct memory[] memory to storage not yet supported.
pragma solidity ^0.5;
contract SortStruct {
struct TestStruct {
address user;
uint256 value;
TestStruct[] public testStructArray;
TestStruct[] public sortedArray;
function add(uint256 _value) public {
TestStruct memory test;
test.value = _value;
function sort() public {
sortedArray = sort(testStructArray);
// sort
function sort(TestStruct[] memory data) internal returns (TestStruct[] memory) {
quickSort(data, int(0), int(data.length - 1));
return data;
function quickSort(TestStruct[] memory arr, int left, int right) internal {
int i = left;
int j = right;
if(i==j) return;
uint pivot = arr[uint(left + (right - left) / 2)].value;
while (i <= j) {
while (arr[uint(i)].value < pivot) i++;
while (pivot < arr[uint(j)].value) j--;
if (i <= j) {
// swap
TestStruct memory tempSortCandidate;
tempSortCandidate = arr[uint(i)];
arr[uint(i)] = arr[uint(j)];
arr[uint(j)] = tempSortCandidate;
if (left < j)
quickSort(arr, left, j);
if (i < right)
quickSort(arr, i, right);