Hello Eth Stack Exchange,
I am practicing Solidity on Remix. This is actually the first language I have ever learned. In the contract below, I created a program to allow users to create dinosaurs and then fight them against one another.
I wanted to make the results of the fights (semi)random and in favor of the attacker, I tried to do that via this line of code in the fightDino function: if (uint((keccak256(now)) % 100) > 40) {
Why is the compiler telling me "Operator % not compatible with types bytes32 and int_const 100"
Here is a copy of the whole contract.
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract DinoFighter {
uint cooldownTime = 30 seconds;
struct Dino {
string name;
string color;
uint readyTime;
uint level;
string status;
Dino[] public dinos;
mapping (uint => address) public dinoToOwner;
modifier onlyOwner(uint _dinoId) {
require(dinoToOwner[_dinoId] == msg.sender);
function createDino(string _name, string _color) public {
uint id = dinos.push(Dino("Velonica", "Brown", (now + cooldownTime), 0, "none")) - 1;
dinoToOwner[id] = msg.sender;
function fightDino(uint _dinoId, uint _targetId) public onlyOwner(_dinoId) returns (string) {
Dino storage myDino = dinos[_dinoId];
Dino storage tDino = dinos[_targetId];
if (uint((keccak256(now)) % 100) > 40) {
myDino.status = "king";
tDino.readyTime = now + cooldownTime;
tDino.status = "loser";
return "Winner";
else {
tDino.status = "king";
myDino.readyTime = now + cooldownTime;
myDino.status = "loser";
return "Loser";