I'm using this contract code and want to create ico contract. But when I create contract code and try to transfer eth I'm getting error. I can't transfer ethereum to ico contract address.
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Bad jump destination]
can you help me ?
pragma solidity ^0.4.6;
import "./ABCToken.sol";
import "./SafeMath.sol";
ABCToken public ABCToken;
// Address of the founder of ABC.
address public founder = 0x3311111111111111111111111111111111111133;
// Address where all tokens created during ICO stage initially allocated
address public allocationAddress = 0x2111111111111111111111111111111111111111;
// Start date of the ICO
uint public startDate = 1524528001;
// End date of the ICO
uint public endDate = 1535068801;
// Token price without discount during the ICO stage
uint public baseTokenPrice = 10000000; // 0.001 ETH, considering 8 decimal places
// Number of tokens distributed to investors
uint public tokensDistributed = 0;
* Modifiers
modifier onlyFounder() {
// Only founder is allowed to do this action.
if (msg.sender != founder) {
modifier minInvestment(uint investment) {
// User has to send at least the ether value of one token.
if (investment < baseTokenPrice) {
/// @dev Returns current bonus
function getCurrentBonus()
returns (uint)
return getBonus(now);
/// @dev Returns bonus for the specific moment
/// @param timestamp Time of investment (in seconds)
function getBonus(uint timestamp)
returns (uint)
if (timestamp > endDate) {
if (startDate > timestamp) {
return 1499; // 49.9%
uint icoDuration = timestamp - startDate;
if (icoDuration >= 16 days) {
return 1000; // 0%
} else if (icoDuration >= 9 days) {
return 1125; // 12.5%
} else if (icoDuration >= 2 days) {
return 1250; // 25%
} else {
return 1499; // 49.9%
function calculateTokens(uint investment, uint timestamp)
returns (uint)
// calculate discountedPrice
uint discountedPrice = div(mul(baseTokenPrice, 1000), getBonus(timestamp));
// Token count is rounded down. Sent ETH should be multiples of baseTokenPrice.
return div(investment, discountedPrice);
/// @dev Issues tokens for users who made BTC purchases.
/// @param beneficiary Address the tokens will be issued to.
/// @param investment Invested amount in Wei
/// @param timestamp Time of investment (in seconds)
function fixInvestment(address beneficiary, uint investment, uint timestamp)
returns (uint)
// Calculate number of tokens to mint
uint tokenCount = calculateTokens(investment, timestamp);
// Update fund's and user's balance and total supply of tokens.
tokensDistributed = add(tokensDistributed, tokenCount);
// Distribute tokens.
if (!ABCToken.transferFrom(allocationAddress, beneficiary, tokenCount)) {
// Tokens could not be issued.
return tokenCount;
/// @dev Contract constructor
function ABCICO(address tokenAddress, address founderAddress) {
// Set token address
ABCToken = ABCToken(tokenAddress);
// Set founder address
founder = founderAddress;
/// @dev Fallback function
function () payable {