So I'm only using Infura and web3 here, no local node running and I want to use functions like :
mycontract.methods.function(msg).send({from: address, gas: 200000})
it won't work because it is a state changing transaction, so I need to sign.
so I have:
var signed_data = web3.eth.accounts.sign(web3.utils.fromAscii("A20160528"), private_key);
and it return to me:
{ message: '0x413230313630353238', messageHash: '0x0a30d111fed6dbde69984b1763cde3f45838c870df0132da723731d3ea1c7225', v: '0x1b', r: '0xd36db528de6bc8ba97c8dffa27fe94288af53f26b82eb5acc6983a849db99902',
s: '0x69b3e6e8ddc69eeda0774bab2801b724f7dfa9cbfed60b4fa70637d420b91b05', signature: '0xd36db528de6bc8ba97c8dffa27fe94288af53f26b82eb5acc6983a849db9990269b3e6e8ddc69eeda0774bab2 801b724f7dfa9cbfed60b4fa70637d420b91b051b' }
How should I pass this to the web3 function such as :
mycontract.methods.function(msg).send({from: address, gas: 200000})
what should I put into msg variable?