I'm getting an error using web3.eth.personal.sign, with it complaining that the call "Expected 0 arguments, but got 3". I call it in an Angular/Typescript/javascript environment:
this.bottleSig=this.web3.eth.personal.sign(this.bottleDataToSign, this.addressProd, this.passwordProd);
I'm using a recent version of the npm web3 package: 1.0.0-beta.33. I'm following the documentation at http://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/1.0/web3-eth-personal.html. I poked around under .../node_modules and looked at various web3* directories, but nothing obvious looked wrong, at least to me. Under node_modules/web3-eth-personal/src/index.js, it looks like it should be expecting 3 args:
new Method({
name: 'sign',
call: 'personal_sign',
params: 3,
inputFormatter: [formatters.inputSignFormatter, formatters.inputAddressFormatter, null]
Any searching returns very few results, which don't seem to be applicable here. Any thoughts on what's wrong? How to fix/workaround? Since beta, just need to wait till "fixed"? Thanks.
Also, in node_modules/web3/types.d.ts, I see:
export declare class Eth . . . personal: Personal
export declare class Personal . . . sign()
Is this where the expectation of 0 arguments is gotten from?
This link seems to offer some solutions, but a little too deep into directives and controllers for me!