I was following this tutorial.I have deployed the following two contracts on testrpc:

pragma solidity ^0.4.7;

contract MDBService {

    mapping (address => address) accounts;
    mapping (uint => address) ids;
    uint numberAccounts;

    function MDBService() {
        numberAccounts = 0;

    function register() {
        require(accounts[msg.sender] == 0); //We check if the user is already registered
        ids[numberAccounts] = msg.sender;
        accounts[msg.sender] = new MDBAccount(msg.sender);

contract MDBAccount {

    struct Post {
        uint timestamp;
        string message;

    uint public numberPosts;
    address public owner;
    mapping (uint => Post) posts;

    modifier isOwner() {
        require(owner == msg.sender);

    function MDBAccount(address _owner) {
        owner = _owner;
        numberPosts = 0;

    function post(string message) isOwner() {
        require(bytes(message).length <= 160);
        posts[numberPosts].timestamp = now;
        posts[numberPosts].message = message;

Now when I call


a new instance of MDBAccount is created(i.e. a new account MDBAccount for the user with address of account[1]).So now I want to post a message from this account instead of the default account[0].

When I call


it works because it uses the instance created when the contract deployed.But when I use


it fails because isOwner is not satisfied as it is using the same instance and not the one created on calling the above register.So how can I call post for account[1].

1 Answer 1


So how can I call post for accounts[1].

  1. Remove isOwner() modifier


  1. Initiate contract and send accounts[1] in parameter.


  1. Add multiple owners

This is what this modifier is for, it restricts other addresses from calling functions which they should not call.

In your particular case I suggest to add address _owner directly to your struct Post. When you will need to retrieve only the posts of particular account, you will just filter them by post._owner.

struct Post {
        uint timestamp;
        string message;
        address _owner;
  • Any of them won't work because what I want is like twitter where there is a separate account for each user and each user has his own tweets separated from each other stored only in their account.When I send account address in parameter than the post should be saved in the account of that address only. Commented Jan 27, 2018 at 5:41
  • Well then I suggest you to add address _owner directly to your struct Post. When you will need to retrieve only the posts of particular account, you will just filter them by post._owner. Another way is to use events, but in this case events will be visible only outside Solidity. Commented Jan 27, 2018 at 10:19
  • Adding _owner to struct Post is a really good alternative.Thanks. Add this as the answer and I will accept it as right. Commented Jan 27, 2018 at 19:23
  • @HimanshuChandra Edited the answer. Commented Jan 27, 2018 at 19:26

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