When I sent 1000000000 wei, the destination address received only 999997440. 2560 wei was lost. Can you tell me how I can fix it? Where did 2560 wei disappear to?
(Balance before Send)
Source: 211109215254170802845
Destination: 124492759039157024777
(Balance after Send)
Source: 211109110253170802845 (-105001000000000) <= As expected. It includes value and fee.
Destination: 124492759040157024777 (+999997440) <= Not as expected. I expected 1000000000 since I sent 1000000000. 2560 wei was lost.
Update 1
I sent 0.1 Ether. Then the destination address received 0.1 Ether as expected. Seems it might be related to how much ether I send.