Looks like there are a couple of unanswered threads about this already, though mine is a more simple setup so maybe it will be easier to debug.
Running through testrpc I have a deployed contract, it deploys ok. I can access a contract function displayMessage
in the callback of deployed contract ok.
However, I wish run the function on another page:
const contract = web3.eth.contract(abi);
const existingContract = contract.at(contractAddress);
The callback function in the response
var returns: Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode
Running console.log(existingContract.displayMessage())
returns the same error.
I have tried manually writing out my abi
variable as an array:
const abi = [{
type: 'function',
name: 'displayMessage',
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
constant: true,
payable: false
as well as using the dynamic approach (getting from the file) just incase something was wrong there:
const abi = JSON.parse(compiledContract.contracts[':contractName'].interface)
Can anyone advise on why I would be receiving this error & how to proceed?
As requested, here is my contract:
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract contractName {
function displayMessage() constant returns (string){
return ("{var}");
To give a bit more insight, when creating the initial contract, I am replacing {var}
with dynamic data:
fs.readFile(__dirname+'/../solc/contract.sol', 'utf8', function(err, data){
const source = data.replace('\{var\}', data);
const compiled = solc.compile(source);
.solc 0.4.15
(was previously0.4.18
) in mypackage.json
and re-ranyarn install
. I still get the same error unfortunately. Do you have any other suggestions?