I am using Oraclize in a smart contract and want to encrypt my API key. According to http://docs.oraclize.it/#ethereum-advanced-topics-encrypted-queries there is a python script from Oraclize that is used to encrypt text (https://github.com/oraclize/encrypted-queries), and this command should encrypt "YOUR QUERY" for example:

python encrypted_queries_tools.py -e -p 044992e9473b7d90ca54d2886c7addd14a61109af202f1c95e218b0c99eb060c7134c4ae46345d0383ac996185762f04997d6fd6c393c86e4325c469741e64eca9 "YOUR QUERY"

Running that command I get this error:

C:\Python27\encrypted-queries-master\encrypted-queries-master\tools>python encrypted_queries_tools.py -e -p 044992e9473b7d90ca54d2886c7addd14a61109af202f1c95e218b0c99eb060c7134c4ae46345d0383ac996185762f04997d6fd6c393c86e4325c469741e64eca9 "YOUR QUERY" File "encrypted_queries_tools.py", line 100 print "Please, provide a valid public key" Is the public key given on the website incorrect?

1 Answer 1


The script you are trying to run is in fact for Python 2. You are trying to use Python 3 there, (as you stated on your github issue) and also based on the fact that the error message is due to the Python 2 formatted print statement. If you wish to use Python 3, you can use the following utility to convert the code seamlessly to be compatible with Python 3 - https://docs.python.org/2/library/2to3.html

If you have Python 2 available, you should be able to use that as well, just ensure all the modules it uses, are installed and available locally for you, you can use pip for this.

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