please help me in this problem. I am successful to compile and deploy my smart contract using web3j on testrpc. But When I call the function that returns uint in this contract from web3j, I always receive 0. I present below my contract and my Java program. 1. My Smart Contracts:
pragma solidity ^0.4.6;
contract grandParentContract{
address public myAddr = 0x1005...;
modifier onlyFromMe() {
if ((myAddr != address(0)) && (tx.origin != myAddr)) {
Msg("Permission Error: this function is limited to the my address origin.");
pragma solidity ^0.4.6;
contract parentContract is grandParentContract {
/**************BEGIN: attributes or properties or dataobjectType**********/
uint public maxIdValue=0;
uint public minIdValue=0;
event ElementAddition(uint _id);
function parentContract() grandParentContract() {
maxIdValue = 0;
minIdValue = 0;
contract MyContract is parentContract {
struct MyElement {
uint id;
string name;
string description;
uint[] currentForeignKeys;
mapping(uint => MyElement) public myElementMap;
function MyContract() parentContract() {
function addNewElement(string _name, string _description) public onlyFromMe() returns (uint) {
uint _id = maxIdValue+1;
myElementMap[_id].name = _name;
myElementMap[_id].description = _description;
maxIdValue = _id;
return _id;
Compile and Deploy successfully I use testrpc
Web3j web3 = HttpService("testrpcIp:testrpcPort"));
When I compile smart contracts, I obtains 3 *.bin files and 3 *.abi files MyContract.bin(abi), parentContract.bin(abi), grandParentContract.bin(abi) I deploy successfully the smart contract using the file MyContract.bin and web3j (Note that, when I deploy this smart contract, I only load the content of this MyContract.bin file, not add 0x before this content)
Call addNewElement function from Java and receive always 0 (zero)
List<String> results= callMyFunction(web3,aCredential,contractAddress, "addNewElement", Arrays.<Type>asList(new Utf8String("name1"),new Utf8String("description of name1")), Arrays.asList(new TypeReference<Uint>() {})); System.out.println("results = " + results); public static synchronized List<String> callMyFunction(Web3j web3, Credentials creds, String contractAddress, String functionName, List inputArgs, List outputs) throws Exception { List<String> results = new ArrayList(); Function function = new Function(functionName, inputArgs, outputs); String encodedFunction = FunctionEncoder.encode(function); EthCall response = web3.ethCall(Transaction.createEthCallTransaction(creds.getEcKeyPair().getPrivateKey().toString(16), contractAddress, encodedFunction), DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST).sendAsync().get(); if(response.hasError()){ System.out.println("functionCall: " + response.getError().getMessage()); } convertMyResult((response != null) && (response.getValue() != null) ? FunctionReturnDecoder.decode(response.getValue(), function.getOutputParameters()) : new ArrayList(), results); return results; } public static void convertMyResult(List<Type> returns, List<String> results) throws Exception { if (returns.size() > 0) { for(int i=0; i<returns.size(); i++){ results.add(returns.get(i).getValue().toString()); } } }
I always receive the results : [0]
I tried to put maxIdValue
in the MyContract instead of in ParentContract, but the result is the same