Oraclize claims to offer a provably honest secure retrieval of a webpage by taking advantage of TLSnotary (a service that allows an auditor to verify if a specific web page was accurately retrieved)
The purpose of Oraclize seems to be to make this information available to smart contracts.
But to my understanding, the only factor keeping the TLSnotary proof secure is that the person doing the auditing generates and withholds a secret piece of data until the person being audited provides them with the hash of the retrieved web page. A contract obviously cannot generate and withhold a secret. Doesn't this mean that the contract itself is unable to verify the TLSnotary proof?
It seems like some clarification is needed of how exactly Oraclize is handling the TLSnotary secret.
Oraclize also seems to offer a web tool allowing you to play the role of the auditor. Can multiple people audit the same TLSnotary proof in parallel? And suppose I do somehow manage catch Oraclize cheating. How can I prove this to a third party?
Put in more simple terms, how much can I trust Oraclize's service?
Don't take my questions the wrong way--I'm very excited by the idea of oracles actually proving their claims. I just like to ask difficult questions!