I'd like to deploy the Safe Singleton contract v1.3.0 on Mainnet and Gnosis (Sepolia and Chiado on testing), but I see a warning in SafeWalletUI when using the Chiado network.
Deployment is done via SafeSDK:
const safeFactory = await SafeFactory.init({
isL1SafeSingleton: true,
provider: RPC_URL,
safeVersion: '1.3.0',
const safeContract = await safeFactory.deploySafe({
owners: ['owner1', 'owner2', 'owner3'],
threshold: 1,
Sepolia Safe: https://app.safe.global/transactions/history?safe=sep:0x25cc7d4bCA86B75937f9F6D1D26db649bDB2FF41 -> everything is correct
Chiado Safe: https://app.safe.global/transactions/history?safe=chiado:0x98E0932f6A803068052BD2d43827F49840d7B1F5 -> warning
Double check of supported networks https://docs.safe.global/advanced/smart-account-supported-networks?version=v1.3.0&search=chiado&expand=10200, and the factory and master copy contract addresses are the same.
FYI: I deployed a L2 contract on Chiado a few weeks ago and it looks ok https://app.safe.global/settings/setup?safe=chiado:0xB104d8E65e1933c226d1350C6A9fe9BBE3e5f6e2
Do you know why SafeWalletUI doesn't support the singleton contract?