Note - Following is a contract that successfully compiled.

In this contract's constructor, I have clearly assigned multiple times to x. Why is this okay? What's happening here?

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.26;

contract IsThisImmutable {

    uint public s_a = 0;

    uint256 public immutable x;

    constructor() {
        x = 134;
        x += 3;
        s_a += x;
        x += 3;

    function exp1(uint256 a) public returns(uint256) {
        s_a += a;
        s_a += x;
        return 34;

    modifier modifier1 {
        s_a += 1023;


1 Answer 1


It’s okay because you’re assigning value to x multiple times within the constructor itself, so the state change is only considered one time i.e., the final value that’s being assigned to it in the constructor.

  • But I can see that already... Commented Sep 17 at 7:52
  • Why is it considered only one time ? we have multiple sstore calls right ? Commented Sep 17 at 7:53
  • 1
    No SSTORE call is made, as immutable variables are stored in the contract bytecode, not in storage. Commented Sep 17 at 8:56
  • 1
    I'd also assume compiler optimizes this to only one assignment. Commented Sep 17 at 9:24

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